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Selectmen's Minutes 2/6/06
The weekly meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held on Monday evening, February 6, 2006 at 7:35 p.m.
Present: David L. Walsh, Chairman; Peter A. Hamilton, Clerk; Theresa McNulty
George Samia, Town Administrator
Karen Grabau, Adm. Assistant
Police Officers, Antonio Ferreira and Michael Jenkins representing the East Bridgewater Police Association met with the Board for the purpose of signing a new contract.
Mr. Walsh thanked the Association for their cooperation; noted that they have taken a true 0% for this year. Stated that part of the financial strategic plan was to have a 0% year and that both the Police Association and the clerical union did their part.
Mr. Hamilton thanked the Association for their outstanding commitment to the Town; noted that this helps in the stability of finances in the future.
Mr. McNulty thanked the Association for understanding the needs of the Town and their commitment to the Town.
Mr. Samia thanked that the entire Police Association, Officers Michael McLaughlin and Sgt. Thomas Reed who also took part in the negotiations and Chief Cowan for his assistance during negotiations. Also, thanked Jeanne Bennett for her assistance in typing the contract.
Office Ferreira noted that negotiations are a blend of give and take; noted Association was aware of Towns finances and worked accordingly.
Board members and officers signed the contract.
John Haines, Highway Surveyor/Overseer of Solid Waste & Recycling met with the Board to update them on the Recycling/Trash Collection program. Noted that a new program must be in place for July 1. Has received a DEP grant for assistance in putting together program. Has looked at all options and recommends staying with the pay-as-you-throw program. Will be looking at separate contracts for collection and disposal of trash. Explained information he has received regarding types of programs town can use.
Explained recycling program called “single stream recycling”; households would have large tote to put all recyclables in; totes are weighed and household receives ”gift card” for up to $35 per month for total amount recycled. Company would be responsible for setting up businesses who would accept the gift cards.
Mr. Walsh noted that he was concerned with increasing cost of bags and its effect on households; noted that he would like to have the Bag Enterprise Fund subsidize a portion of the total increase.
Mr. Haines noted that costs for collection, disposal and recycling need to be in place for Annual Town Meeting so that funds to subsidize the bag sales can be taken from the Enterprise Fund. Noted that private haulers charge approximately $35.00 per month to collect trash; if cost of bags went to $3.00 per bag, as most households use 1-2 bags per week, their cost would be significantly lower than cost for private hauler.
Mr. Walsh recommended that the Town endorse the use of the Enterprise Fund to subsidize the increase in cost of bags.
Board of Selectmen -2- February 6, 2006
Mr. Haines informed the Board that the Schools, East Bridgewater Y, Public Library and one local church are taking part in the fund-raising program called “Paper Retriever”. ATIBI sponsors the program and at the end of each month the paper recycled is weighed and the participating school, etc. receive a check.
M/Hamilton, s/McNulty, a unanimous vote, move to approve the Bag Enterprise fund be used to subsidize the Pay-As-You-Throw Program increase in bag costs beginning July 1, 2006.
Atty. Frenette, representing Russell & Marian Grabau met with the Board to discuss options for property at 123 Robins Street, former Casa Loma property.
Also present: Russell Grabau and Joseph Cooke
Atty. Frenette stated that his clients have a purchase and sale agreement with the present owner, Mr. Cooke. Noted that Mr. Cooke is in bankruptcy court and is trying to sell property. Explained that they are in process of either getting a special permit to allow construction of condos or a zoning by-law change. Are doing fact-finding at this time.
Mr. Walsh stated that the Board was under the impression that the reason for tonight’s appointment was to present an article for a zoning change. Explained that the next Special Town Meeting would be in either May or June depending on the date set for the Annual Town Meeting. Also noted that once an article is presented, the board forwards the article to the Planning Board for their hearing process and recommendation on the article. Recommended that Atty. Frenette discuss options with Planning Board.
Board discussed DPW process. Mr. Walsh noted that as they are in the middle of the budget process that action needs to be taken to be ready to implement the DPW in July. Mr. Samia was requested to reactivate the DPW Committee to recommend the procedure for implementing the DPW and structure of the DPW and to submit their recommendations to the Board by March 13 at the latest.
Town Administrator Report
Letter has been sent to the Water Commissioners requesting that no position changes be
made within that Department as the DPW will be formed in July and it was promised that no job losses or changes would be made.
Mr. Walsh thanked all who had attended the Informational Meeting held by the Wastewater Study Committee. Noted that information is available on the Town’s website.
M/Hamilton, s/McNulty, a unanimous vote, move to approve the minutes of the January 23, 2006 meeting.
Board requested to hold action on the request for use of the Town Common as it is the same day as the usual Businessman Association Expo.
1. Letter from Executive Office of public Safety commending Chief Cowan for his work on sex offenders registry.
2. Notification from Cable Television Division of expiration of town’s cable license on December 2, 2009. Renewal process should begin 36 months prior to expiration. Board requested that the CATV Committee be contacted to see if they can act for the Town in the renewal.
Board of Selectmen -3- February 6, 2006
3. Capital Improvements Committee has sent out yearly request to departments to provide their list.
4. Letter from Kingston BOS requesting support to petition each state legislature to remove the current cap of Lottery distribution.
5. Town Report – letter sent to all departments/committees; report to be printed in house this year.
6. Old Colony Elderly Services – educational meeting February 21 at Whitman Public Library on Family Caregiver Support Program
7. Nomination papers must be taken out by February 17.
Mrs. McNulty reported on the following:
Meeting at the Brockton Mayor’s office.
Working with OCPC regarding funding for Master Plan update.
Attended meeting with Lt. Governor – possible increase in state aid to town.
Mr. Hamilton noted that a letter has been received from the Town Clerk relative to request for placement of political signs in town hall. It was agreed that the board would forward this to Town Counsel and will inform the Town and candidates of Counsel’s opinion.
Mr. Hamilton noted that an unsigned complaint had been received by the Board and noted that the Board cannot act on unsigned correspondence.
Open Forum
Tim Sands, 1495 Washington Street, requested that only residents be on the DPW Committee.
Mr. Samia explained that the original DPW Committee had one person who lived in Bridgewater on the town line; does work within the town; had expertise in areas needed when discussing implementation of the DPW. Also noted that Town Counsel, Leo Peloquin has a background in implementing DPW’s and will also be working with the Committee.
Open Forum closed.
Mr. Walsh announced that after careful consideration, he has made the decision to seek reelection in April.
M/Hamilton, s/McNulty, move to close Open Session and go into Executive Session for the purpose of discussing contract negotiations and personnel issues and will not be returning to Open Session.
VOTE: Yes – Walsh, Hamilton, McNulty; a unanimous vote in favor.
Meeting adjourned at 8:50 p.m.
__________________________________ Clerk
Board of Selectmen